In the heart of Fukuoka, Japan, Terry Schiefer and his partner Xin Gabriel have shaped a line of imaginative jewelry that puts a unique spin on the theatrical costume pieces that inspire them. Upon leaving his business career a decade ago, Terry decided to follow his passion for fashion design. A couple of years later fate brought him together with Xin Gabrielle, a talented designer with a fiery hunger to conceptualize her own revelations into tangible reality. Today the pair are known as the creative force behind Terry Schiefer Xixnxin, and are sharing their vision with the world.


Terry Schiefer Xixnxin - Gemini collection

This inspired duo plays on their own worldly experiences, and knows no set boundaries when producing their one of a kind jewelry. The pair share the same basic concept of design, which is to craft distinctive art that has complex contour work with a profound expression of darker elements.


Terry Schiefer Xixnxin - Mercedes collection

Using only the finest materials, TSXX focuses on color, clarity, and size, transforming their daring creative ideas into “fashion art.” Cast bronze and silver are embellished with striking natural and synthetic stones. Mixing traits of delicacy and power, metals and gems are seamlessly fused into ornate motifs that range from floral to skull.


Terry Schiefer Xinxin - Gabriel collection

As a result, TSXX’s lovingly crafted pieces not just make for eye-catching charms, but also serve as a homage to a lady’s vanity. Classic baroque, byzantine and playful rococo are flawlessly paired with an edgy modern vibe that captures the tough and the feminine facets of today’s international woman.


Terry Schiefer Xinxin - Palazzo collection

All of TSXX’s creations, including necklaces, rings and bracelets, are wearable off the runway, but have the assertiveness to make a fashionable statement with any ensemble. And we have no doubt that the dramatic pieces from this meticulously crafted and gently finished jewelry line are bound to become veritable treasures and be passed down the family line for generations.